7 summits. 7 continents. 1 world record.
Caroline Leon is no stranger to a challenge.
In 2015, Caroline thought she would never walk again, now with the support of DHL she is setting off on an attempt to climb seven volcanic summits across seven continents in record time.
Dubai-based Caroline Leon has always loved the outdoors, and a fitness lifestyle. She puts this down to her upbringing in Sydney, Australia, where she was forever surfing, running and hiking. But her true passion was always climbing.
However, in 2015, in one devastating moment her life changed.
This is Caroline Leon.
Caroline was near the top of a wooden outdoor climbing wall when the peg she had ahold of came away. She fell seven meters to the ground, landing on both feet, shattering her spine, pelvis, and both feet. Doctors said she may never walk again.
Following 14 surgeries and 23 blood transfusions, the thought of being discharged from the hospital was overwhelming. Here Caroline tells the story of her rehabilitation and the important role her friends and family played.
Check out what Caroline’s been up to below
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